The Newsroom Blog

#LIGHTtheWORLD: Day 11 in the Pacific

Day 11 of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' "Light the World" Christmas initiative focuses on teaching and loving children.

Explaining this emphasis and extending an invitation to help children, states: "Jesus Ministered to Children and So Can You."

The explanation continues: "As we reflect on the babe in swaddling clothes this Christmas, we should also reflect on the actions of the adult Savior, who asked His disciples to 'suffer the little children to come unto me.' If He made time for them, so can we."

In Latter-day Saint meetinghouses around the South Pacific today, adults taught children in "Primary" classes (similar to Sunday School in other faiths). 

In one Primary class, children were asked to write down ways they could follow the example of Jesus Christ by serving others.


Watch a video with ideas on how to #LIGHTtheWORLD by ministering to children:


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